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Casual Cosplay: Chell


from Portal

Chell is the main character of the video games Portal and Portal 2, who you can usually only see when you create a mirror for yourself using portals:

Chell has these special boots that absorb her kinetic energy and help her land on her feet when falling from dangerous heights. Several years ago I got some socks modeled after these boots.

At some point I realized that I could pair those socks with an orange skirt I already had and a white tank top and I would basically have a casual Chell costume. I think originally I planned on adding my own Aperture Science logo to the white tank top but eventually decided that it works fine as it is and I don't need to put any real effort into this outfit unless I plan on stepping it up to a real costume.

Unfortunately, this outfit functions even less as a costume when you're wearing shoes, because most shoes aren't transparent and the socks are a huge part of the costume.

Which is why props are useful:

The antagonist of Portal often promises Chell with cake as a reward for her efforts

but as Chell eventually finds out...

the cake is a pie

Honestly though I just happened to decide to bring in a pie to work that day and only came up with the connection to my costume a few minutes before leaving for work. And it worked out so well that I'm afraid I might have to bring in non-cake baked goods any time I wear that outfit. I'll post a pie recipe later (and will try to remember to update this post with a link)!

This year I decided to do #CasualCosplayFriday every week in October, wearing one costume every Friday that could conceivably pass as a non-costume outfit! I plan on posting about each of them when I can.

This is definitely my most casual of my casual cosplays! Ignoring the pie from calculation of my scores:

Effort: low

Accuracy: low

Non-costume-passing: high

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